Our new and upgraded car washing water gun increases the pressure 10 times,it's effectively improving the cleaning strength and efficiency,save your time.With multiple water modes which are easy to adjust without the use of wrenches or other tools.
High-Pressure Rinse for Quick Cleaning:High-pressure quick washing of all kinds of stubborn stains, greatly improves the cleaning strength and efficiency,help you to wash your car quickly.
Multiple Water Modes:It has multiple water modes to meet each watering need, such as cleaning your car, sidewalk, yard, gutters, deck, home, and anywhere with different water modes.
10 Times as High Pressure:Pressurized 10 times than old nozzle, which will not be affected by the water pressure, no need for electricity. High-pressure injection up to 20 meters. Under normal flow conditions, the spray distance of the water gun is 8-10 meters.
Strong and Durable:Made of all-metal, it is durable, wear-resistant, anti-aging.